Arlo|Smart Home Security|Wireless HD Security Cameras

Outside Recording Delay

Is anyone else having a problem with the delay in long it takes motion to detect and the start of recording? I have found that outside the delay is too much to see anyone who is approaching my house. I have looked at videos and the recording shows the very end of someone in my family opening my door if at all. I have played around with the sensitivity also to get it to record earlier. This and the battery issue are the biggest problems so far. Does anyone have ideas how they got theirs to not have so much of a delay?

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Yes, I have the same issue. I tested removing the camera placed outside and it started recording AFTER it was off the mount and in my pocket!!! I believe that this can be corrected with a software update and needs to be done ASAP.

Having same issue... the delay in recording defeats the purpose and misses most of what needs to be viewed with this system. 


I'm having the same problem.  Pretty much makes the whole system worthless.  I read one of the posts that the motion detector detects a person faster if they are crossing the lens instead of walking toward it.  So I tried moving the camera so that was true.  But it made it worse.  The person  completely crosses the frame before it starts recording.   I hope they can fix this in software and soon!


I repositioned the cameras (decreased field of view) and increased the motiion sensitivity up to 100% and I beleive I am having better results.. .stay tuned.


Count me in on this as well.


I have the rules set for 100% and its a bit better.


But the delay is enough that when a car pulls in the driveway, by the time my phone pings to tell me there is motion the car is gone. A few second delay might not be a problem but this seems to be many seconds delay.




Same for me. Even turning up motion to 100 hasn't helped. I still get the tail end of the activity which is useless. Between this and the battery issues in cold weather, I am seriously hoping a major update comes out soon. 

Guru Guru

<But the delay is enough that when a car pulls in the driveway, by the time my phone pings to tell me there is motion the car is gone. A few second delay might not be a problem but this seems to be many seconds delay.>


Are you refering to record motion delay OR notification on your phone that there was motion?



There is a short lag on the sense of the IR and the record of motion. What your doing is the best way; is to test different settings, locations till you find what works for you and your conditions.


If it's about motion and the notification to you via email, you must remember that the loop the info must go through is long... camera -internet- arlo server- phone service ...before you get an email ping.


My emails/text messgs come through within a min of the camera recording motion... to me, thats a pretty good response.

Morse is faster than texting!

Hello! I was having the same problem and it resolved for me when I changed some settings in the rules section. Under the camera I was having the delay with - I changed the setting for that camera to "more videos" all the way to the far right on the scale. I also changed the video recording length to 30 seconds. Now, not only does it not have the delay but the motion sensor kicks in when the person is before the frame of the camera. I see them arrive instead of seconds after that.  I hope this works! - Jessica

The delay is far too long. By the time a car or person comes in to view it can move and not record much of information. Needs to be fixed or it's not of much use outside. I've moving the sensitivity to 100% but it doesn't seem to matter. If I lengthen the recording, it just nothing.

Hopefully this will be resolved soon. The delay is far too long.

We have the same issue. Tried three different positions, set to 100%. There is just a big delay between when the motion is detected and when the recording starts.

Yes, I've been playing with this ever since the product has shipped and still have lag in recording. I've played with moving the camera and changing the position of the where the camera is pointing also having various lighting issues so each time I need to change the batteries for the camera, I have to readjust the camera so it will point exactly where I get the best motion sensor and capture video correctly. Hopefully a firmware update will adjust the lag time in the recording. 


Yes, something needs to be done about the delay.  I purchased these cameras for security to be able view what's happening at my residence when I'm away.


This is useless if what you want caught on video is out of view when recording starts!


Netgear Support: The standard distance of the subject from the camera for it to detect motion properly is just up  to 25ft. It may or may not. If it is more than 30ft, it can still detect motion however you may get more delays. The subjects need to be 25 or less than 25 ft. away from the camera.


Increasing sensitivity and length of clip helped

Prodigy Prodigy

I wish saw this community before I bought this BRICK of a system.  If its advertised as a "SMART HOME SECURITY CAMERA" d***it, it better do its job.  As it stands now, all this system is, is a visual deterant.  If I wanted that I could have went down to the dollar star and purchased a fake security camera that does the same thing.  Time to research Dropcam


Delay way too long. While I was away my brother stopped by. He got out of his truck, stopped to wave at the camera (for my benefit) and it didn't record him at all. But when he left it recorded him backing down the driveway. Not much good if he wasn't supposed to be there!


I have much better success with the cameras facing down and accross the plane where the motion is to be detedcted. I have three cameras, set to sensitivity to 100% and they are performing satisfactorily  now.

Guru Guru

I have found the edges of the PIR are a bit more sensitive, so when placing I zoom in just a bit ( on camera page ) and then the pir appears to pick up just as the person enters the field of view,  person crossing as opposed to straight on.

Morse is faster than texting!

Here is what I was told by the Netger ARLO rep for why the recording takes so long to start once the cameras get triggered:


"Please be informed that this is how the ARLO cameras operate since ARLO is a server based system. There is really a delay in recording since every activity of the ARLO system will be forwarded to our back end servers. Faster upload speed usually decreases the delay in recording. We also recommend alternate motion recording to some of our customers and it addressed this issue. Alternate motion recording means that if the 1st camera detects the motion then the 2nd camera will record it and vice versa. "

For your convenience, we have other support options available for you such as:

Phone support, please call: 1-888-NETGEAR or 1-888-638-4327 for NA
Live chat support, please visit


Expert ID: 8316
NETGEAR L2 Support Expert

Prodigy Prodigy
100% FALSE......

I have a 1gigabit dedicated fiber pipe at ny house and the delay is horrible

I agree, the upload connection speed isn't the issue. 


But what the Rep said is true. He basically said that the cameras will always have a delay in recording:


"Please be informed that this is how the ARLO cameras operate since ARLO is a server based system. There is really a delay in recording since every activity of the ARLO system will be forwarded to our back end servers.


Server delay has nothing to do with the camera's delay in recording images/video after motion is detected.


Here is what I asked Netgear ARLO:

" What are you doing about the delay in recording for these cameras? I have read many of the community comments and it seems this is a big issue for people and for me as well.

No matter how I set the cameras up, changed the angle, changed the sensitivity, etc. I still see people walk by my door and when the cameras (2 of them) finally start recording the people are out of the field of view and the camera just records empty space?



The Netgear ARLO Rep response:


"Please be informed that this is how the ARLO cameras operate since ARLO is a server based system. There is really a delay in recording since every activity of the ARLO system will be forwarded to our back end servers. Faster upload speed usually decreases the delay in recording. We also recommend alternate motion recording to some of our customers and it addressed this issue. Alternate motion recording means that if the 1st camera detects the motion then the 2nd camera will record it and vice versa. "


What I think this means is:

1) The camera video does not start uploading video until the ARLO controller is synched with the back end server and any camera video that was started before the sych is left off?