Arlo|Smart Home Security|Wireless HD Security Cameras

Do I keep Smart subscription and add CVR service or are they duplicating?

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I'm really confused about these subscriptions.  I have a basic 4k subscription that only gives me short videos when there's movement.....sometimes...more often when a leaf blows down the street 3 houses away as opposed to people walking up to the house.  I want to have the cvr feature but it's unclear to me how much it costs.  Do I need to keep the Arlo Smart $4.99 subscription and add the cvr service?  Or is that duplicating services?  Can I get just the cvr service and leave the Arlo Smart subscription?  Does the cvr service have the same features as the Arlo Smart?  If not, it would be $4.99 + $ 9.99 per month, not just $ 9.99 per month correct?


If I get this cvr feature, does it truly record non-stop or is it like the other recordings where it's hit and miss, short recordings that don't cover all the movement or video after the actions all stopped?  BTW, I've set the camera to record the maximum length of time so it's not that.  Kind of wishing I got another Nest cam instead of this but I thought having the wireless feature would be better.  Now I've had to plug this in anyway and pay more for a subscription than the Nest cam. 


My camera is connected to an outlet so it's not powered by battery and ready to go.  If I could only understand the Arlo marketing descriptions I'd be able to make a decision.


The Smart will give you 30 cloud storage and the other features so it is different then the the CVR subscription. They are not overlapping, so you would need both to keep Smart features. 

Just note you can not download CVR so you would need smart for recordings. Your pricing is correct for the single cam Smart Elite 4k and CVR combined $4.99+9.99. Not sure what you have done to improve detection like Activity Zones and repositioning the cam that does help. 

What is continuous video recording (CVR) and how do I use it? (

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