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Q Plus via PoE - requirements for the switch?
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Had some problems installing my 3 cameras via PoE. Needed several tries of dis- and re-connecting the cameras to my switch until the orange light shows up. Tried different cables (all Cat 6 or 7) and different ports. Finally I managed to get all of my Q Plus into action - but will this be a reliable installation?
Using the Arlo power injection USB-cable all cameras showed up with the orange light immediately, using PoE it lasts about 15 to 20 seconds in case of successfull boot up of the camera until the light shows up, otherwise the lights remain dark. Couldn't see any differences with the numbers of cameras connected to the switch.
My switch is a Netgear 😉 GS305P with 4 ports and 55 W over all. Is this sufficient or do I need a more powerfull switch?
Thanks for advice.
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