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Problems in a mixed configuration wih Pro2 cameras and Pro5 cameras
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Ich habe eine PRO5 Camera in eine PRO2 Camera Configuration integriert. Ich habe nun keine Möglichkeit mehr den Alaram in der Base Station auszulösen, wenn eine der Pro2 cameras eine Bewegung meldet. Ich kann nur noch den Alarm in der neuen Pro5 Camera auslösen. Das ist für mich keine Option, ich muss weiterhin die Möglichkeit haben den Alarm auch in der Base Station auszu lösen.
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I have integrated a PRO5 camera into a PRO2 Camera Configuration. I no longer have the option of triggering the alarm in the Base Station when one of the Pro2 cameras reports movement. I can only trigger the alarm in the new Pro5 camera. This is not an option for me, I still need to be able to trigger the alarm in the Base Station.
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Is the pro5 camera connected to the local wifi router or to the arlo Base station?
What arlo app user interface do you use, the original has a library the newest has feed.
With the pro camera rules you need to add the base station alarm device before it can be used.
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The connected Pro 5 camera is connected via WLAN.
I use the new app with the feed. Obviously I was forced to use it. When I installed the pro 5 camera, I had the new interface without doing anything. I can manage all the cameras, the pro2 and the pro5, through the new interface.
I don't understand the third point. All pro 2 cameras are connected to the base station. The base station interface does not give me the option to add an alarm device.
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The newer app UI version is still a mess so someone else on the forum may be able to provide better guidance.
I do see your point regards the pro5 forcing the arlo app upgrade. It is pitiful that you are not warned of the frustration the upgrade can cause.
The article below states it can be done but not how unfortunately.
Under Then,
Options vary by device
- If your camera includes an integrated siren or if you use an Arlo SmartHub or Arlo Base Station, you can turn on a siren in response to a trigger.“
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Thank you for your support. It works now, I don't know why. Yesterday I was able to activate the alarm button in the base station when an event occurred in one of the Pro2 cameras. The day before this was not possible. Thank you very much.
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