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Geofencing not working with 2 devices on Android app 2.7.11

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After last update on Android device 2.7.11 geofencing now no longer works. I have tried all sort of things from changing user names to restarting base station amongst many other things. Work fine before and is now a pain to keep changing setting. Please advise me if there is an easy fix or do we just wait for the brains trust to release an update to correct ?


Amazing - a working system - suddenly. No reply from support, no indication of a change, no update of app yet it all seems to work well. Lets hope it stays that way.

Maybe the update helped Android phones but still not working with iPhones
It is working fine with my iPhone this morning!




I have an Arlo PRO 2 solution and I have associated 4 telephones in the Geolocation solution. There are two that work well for me, but I have an Android and an Iphone that had worked for me and now it always says that the location is not available,


What do I have to do to detect it?


I have sent invitations to all to enter with their user, but the android one there is no way to identify their location


Thank you

What did you do for it to start working
Nothing. It just started to work last night. Maybe is was a one-time thing. I’ll report back if there’s a change. I have the iPhone XS and a mix of arlo pro and pro 2 cameras.

Broken again this morning.. Both phones outside the zone... System Not armed!!!! 

Come on Arlo please... Worked very well yesterday.. Whats going on.


They mark this thread as "solved" yesterday, but re-open it again today as there are still report of Geofencing problem. Smiley Mad


I'm one of those that still experiencing issues with Geofencing not "Disarm", it did arm it self this morning (Australia EST Zone)

Not applicable
Same problem here!

Checking the device status under geofencing shows correct status (in/out of zone) for each device but system will not arm/disarm automatically. Need to change mode for the system to change the state.

I'm still having this problem as well. I discovered on this forum that it was a known issue that was supposed to have been resolved 24th May but still happening for me. Geofencing doesn't always pick up changes to the 2 mobile devices being in/out of the fenced area. I need to manually change the mode to Disarmed and then back to Geofencing before it will pick it up. Using the latest Android app on a Pixel 2 phone using the latest version of Android.


I am also experiencing this issue with two phones registered to use Geofencing; iPhone 10 and Android Pixel 2. My issue started with just the Pixel 2 not switching the system into home mode when entering the geofencing zone.  I worked with support, and they recommended that I do the following.


1. Uninstall the app from each phone.

2. Factory reset the base station (paper clip in the reset button).

3. Install apps on phones and reconfigure the system.  What a pain in the...


After doing this, the problem got far worse.  Since the complete reset, I have only once had geofencing work correctly when either entering or leaving the geofencing zone with either phone.  For example, last night, the iPhone entered the home zone around 6p.  The Arlo app showed the phone as in zone, but the mode never switched out of Armed.  About 7p the Pixel 2 entered the home zone. Again the Arlo app correctly showed the device as in zone, but never switched the sytem out of Armed mode.  After toggling the mode from Geofencing to disabled and then back to Geofecning, the system finally figured out that it should not be armed.


Additionally, I am seeing significantly higher battery drain on the Pixel 2 than was present in previous versions of the application.  Battery stats for the alo app showes over 13 hours of use since last full charge.  Support tried to blame this on having wifi and cellular data enabled.  I understand that GPS uses battery, but Arlo is using significantly more battery than it use to.


I am also seeing the "Geofencing is Active" message in the notification tray, which can not be swiped away.  If i disable and then enable the notification settings for the app this message will go away.


So the crack wizards at Arlo (maybe that's their problem, they're smoking crack) think they fixed all the problems caused by the base firmware update by updating the cameras (instead of fixing what they broke, they layered a patch on something else).


But the geofencing is still broken. I have 2 houses, both with Arlo base stations. My phone and my wife's phone are set up for geofencing at both locations. Geofencing has not worked since May 22nd.


I am currently sitting at home. The vacation home is currently set to geofencing, but is not armed. I armed it manually, then set it back to geofencing. I get a notification that the system there is now in away mode. But when I look at Devices the cameras are disarmed, when I look at mode main screen it shows Disarmed. When I look at the geofencing setup it acknowledges that both devices are not in zone.


So I look at Home, both devices are in zone, but the current mode is Disarmed (geofencing mode should be front door camera armed, rear door disarmed). Manually set it to armed, then Geofencing. Get the notification that it is in Home mode. Go to the Mode main page and it is showing Disarmed, and of course under devices all cameras are disarmed.


I am running the Android app version from 7/30/18 (in my opinion the last one that was bug-free) but my wife is running the 5/23/19 version. Surely one would work correctly.


It's really quite funny, if you think about ti.


I purchased the Arlo Pro2 system last week mainly because of the quality of the cameras and the geofencing.  I have two iPhones set up and the geofencing hasn't worked at all.  I read through all the threads and did everything that was recommended including taking the special character out of my phone's name.  Nothing has worked so far.  I even called Arlo support yesterday.  They told me the problem had been fixed since June 1st.  I was told to turn off the base station and unplug the ethernet cable for 2 minutes and to uninstall and reinstall thee Arlo App on both phones.  I was all excited when the app armed our system this AM when I was the last out.  Since then my wife returned and it is still armed.  It shows her in the zone, but the system didn’t disarm itself.  ARLO, you need to get this fixed ASAP – so disappointed


Interesting you should say that I am experiencing a similar thing. Geofencing appears to be working fine when I am the last to leave or first to return. I am having similar issues to you when my partner is the last to leave though. My phone is the Admin, both phones are android. hopefully Arlo will look into this 


@TheScrounger wrote:


I am also seeing the "Geofencing is Active" message in the notification tray, which can not be swiped away.  If i disable and then enable the notification settings for the app this message will go away.

People wonder why I keep using the app from last July- this is one of the many reasons.

Right now. Both my wife and I are outside the zone. App shows us outside the zone. ARLO still not armed. Come on support please. This is not fixed!!!
I have cameras and base station in 2 locations about 100 miles apart. While there seem to be lots of issues with geofencing I have an issue that if I am in the zone of either location the camers are disarmed. It assumes if in one zone in both zones.

Today I left again as last one out and the system didn't arm at all.  Both phones show outside the zone...  we need a fix for this issue.  Arlo, can you give us an update on what is happening?


I feel as if my system is getting worse. As well as getting the issues I've already posted now when I open the app after getting a motion notification I get "Your system appears Offline"(not every time) and stays that way till I force close and reopen the app.


Geofencing has stopped working on my system since last week and still not functional!

Shows Im out of the zone, my wife in the zone and it defaults to ARMED. I get in the zone and it stays ARMED. Worked great prior now is worthless.  


I'm rather confused that despite Twitter and the Arlo forums being filled with people stuck getting their GeoFencing to work, Arlo is insisting that there is nothing wrong and that there are no issues on their end.


Here is a quick list of people who have mentioned this issue on Twitter in the last few days, and 3 separate threads on the Arlo forums:


Surely Arlo would have to realize that something is broken, and stop linking users to instructions on adding their device to GeoFencing.


If anyone's GeoFencing has actually started working, that would be worth knowing about too.


I have a very simple issue which hopefully will help the developers begin to resolve the geofencing issue.


System State:

Arlo Geofencing mode is selected.

Two mobile devices are enabled for geofencing.

Away mode = Armed. Home mode = Disarmed.

Geofencing is showing one device is "In Zone" and one device "Out of Zone"


Yet the Arlo is Armed.


It should not be armed as one of the Enabled devices is detected as In Zone. 


There is no reason for this to be the case if the software is working correctly. 


i.e. no point in logging out and in, no point in messing with power saving settings. No point in resetting. 


The only potential cause I can see is there are two old devices in my list of Enabled Devices. Neither of those devices are enabled, but they are there. One is showing a black arrow and one a grey arrow. I think the software is somehow using the old devices instead of the ones which have been selected for Geofencing.


Mine does the same.

Arlo Employee Retired

For those still experiencing issues with Geofencing after the fixes we've released, please take a look at this article for troubleshooting steps you can take to improve performance: Why isn't the Geofencing mode working?