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Arlo Pro 2 Cameras not charging - charging fault notice Model# VMB4030P

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Cameras won't charge. Get notice of charging fault. New cable does not work, get same charging fault message no matter what I try


Guru Guru

Are you using the Arlo charger? If so, open acase with support here to replace faulty hardware.


Yes I am using arlo products. I will try to contact support on Mon, as my attemps to do so today failed


Guru Guru

On the chance that it's the charger that's at fault and not the camera/battery, you can try a quality charger that support Qualcomm QuickCharge. It needs to support both 5v and 9v. These are common with recent phones such as Samsung. If that doesn't work, you have a camera or battery problem.

Brand new system three weeks since install. Three cameras indicate need for recharge. Brand new Arlo charger says there’s a fault and cannot charge battery. WTH?!?!!?!?! Spent 700 on this system and it lasts three weeks? No support! Can’t find anywhere to submit a ticket. I’ve done everything the forum suggests - EVERYTHING! I want an answer to why these devices won’t charge with the charger provided! Is this a scam? Do I need to buy the 53 dollar battery charger I found online?
Guru Guru

Calm down. ANy electronic device can have problems, even early on. That's why there are warranties.


I would open a case with support here to get a possible faulty charger replaced. In the meantime you can use a quality charger that supports Qualcomm Quick Charge with 5v and 9v outputs. Recent phones such as Samsung use these chargers.


i tried my cord that came with the arlo pro2 and get this charging fault on two cameras i tried both cameras and both cords,,i reported this to you guys and was suppose to have a tech get ahold of me ,,thats over a month and no call,,when it rains alot it comes up with this charging fault in saskatchewan,,,frustrated for sure

Actually, I’ve purchased hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of electronics products over many years. I have had chargers for many of those. From the first iPhone, iPad, macpro, iPod, to the latest versions of each of those. From my first guitar pedal to my 100th. I’ve purchased more electronics and their accompanying chargers than I can count and NEVER, that’s right, NEVER have I had one instance where an out-of-the-box charger didn’t work. To your suggestion concerning using a Samsung charger, I would never do that.... something is not right about this. Is this a proprietary issue? The more I research, the more concerned about this purchase. I had RING in my right hand and ARLO in my left, when a random customer told me how much they liked their ARLO that they purchased a couple weeks before. I wish I had their number...I wonder whether they would say the same today?

like MANY OTHERS, I am getting a charger fault mesage.
It says to unplug the cord at the camera and reconnect. Then, gives me the same message.


SAme issue here.
How do we open a case?

Arlo Moderator
Arlo Moderator

If you are having trouble with your devices charging & receiving an error message, make sure your cable is firmly inserted in to the port, you are using the appropriate charging cable for the environment (indoor or outdoor). Follow this Link for trouble shooting steps: My Arlo Pro or Arlo Pro 2 camera battery isn’t charging; what do I do? 


If the trouble shooting steps do not help & the error messages persist, please contact Arlo Technical Support from the following link: Arlo Tech Support  Please Private Message me if you can not open a case.

Guru Guru

It's possible that there's a hardware problem. Have you opened a case with support yet?

I had the same issue with the same system. My battery terminals looked completely clean but I wiped them a few times on my shirt - fixed it.

I had just charged my battery prior to the issue. I think the system is very sensitive to anything on the battery terminals.

How do you open a ticket?  I went to the support page (linked at the bottom of this page) and it points me to a phone number Chat which is broken) or support community.  No actual ticket system.  Can you help?

Guru Guru

The chat or phone call is what gets you a case/ticket. There's no form to fill out.


These cameras have a specific type of charger. If you use any other type, even though the plug may fit, they will not charge. This is mentioned in the thread somewhere and that is how I fixed my issue.
Hope this helps.


I have same problem.  5 cameras; one keeps telling me this error.


Looks llike a pretty bad track record on charing cables or chargers.  I ordered extra chargers (arlos) since the 5 camera system only comes with one!     I will swap cables and chargers to try and determine where the problem is.  But this does seem to be a quality control issue


Suddenly running to issues with batteries not charging. Receiving notice to unplug and replug charger. Does not work. Certain the charger is properly connected. Tried with charger of second Arlo system as a back up solution. Did not work. Now both systems in two different locations are not charging. These independent systems are less than 90 days from purchase. Arlo pro 2, both. Agonizing. We need these cameras to work NOW.


I have had the same problem. Purchased this in November 2018 and charged all 4 Cameras up no problem. 

Mounted 2 outside but realised I needed an external power supply which I did. One camera was fine but the second failed to take a charge. Bought a replacement cable but that also failed. Tried cable on spare Camera and that was fine. Turned out External Camera was failing to take a charge and yes I got that annoying Charging fault message. Contacted Arlo who to be fair were very good and had to complete an RMA but today another Camera failed so I swapped that out for my last spare and that also failed. So, I now have 4 functioning cameras but only one will charge. I love the Arlo system but for such an expensive product I expect them to be more resilient. They seem to be extrenely temperamental when it comes to taking a charge. And external cameras which take a lot of hits need a permament power supply or I will be having to remove them every month to charge the battery up. Not impressed. I intend to send the whole system back to Amazon. Oh, and inf you return using RMA you have to pay the shipping costs which is appalling, these are faulty goods and I have to pay to get them replaced.



Update: 3 Cameras decided they would not charge. Got 2 fixed, the 3rd is mounted externally so not tried that one yet. I ended up taking the batteries out for a while, say 15 minutes or longer. I then connected a Charging cable with no Bateery installed. The Cameras both worked. I powered off the camera and then inserted the battery. Worked on Battery power. Powered up the camera and one started charging and showing blue LED but the other said it was charging but no Blue LED....but the Charge rose to 100% eventually. So, this has got to be a software issue. No idea what is causing it, wondering if it is caused by not seating power able properly and that is generating an error and the software then remembers this (in the camera) and you need to reset this error somehow and removing all power for a while from the camera achieves this. Will try my 3rd camera later today if time allows (family stuff today) and see if this approach also works for it. Fingers crossed. If this does work I will see if Arlo can get a firmware update done to address this software error.  

Guru Guru

The blue LED only turns on when the charge reaches 100% - it's a full charge indicator.


Dead batteries can be an issue:


Thanks, fixed all my cameras now and they are now 100% charged and showing a blue LED

I purchased my 4-camera Arlo Pro 2 system in Nov 2018 and just pulled one of the cameras to charge since we've had a lot of contractors around the house for some renovation. This drained the battery to where I needed to charge for the first time.

Upon plugging in, I received the Charging Fault error many have described and tried many of the suggested solutions (pulling battery, reset base station, resync, etc.). None of these had any success.

Finally after giving up and coming back this morning, I'd read a post that the batteries have to be 'pristine', so I wiped all the connections for battery and camera, put the battery back in and plugged it up with success. The charge fault occurred on each of the two cameras I tried last night, so will try this process again on the others to verify, but make sure everything is absolutely clean (even if brand new and only placed inside). Hope this helps some others that experience this.
One camera had developed the charging error within 24 hours of being setup. I'll open a ticket but it appears Arlo aren't checking these blogs to address ongoing issues.
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