Arlo|Smart Home Security|Wireless HD Security Cameras

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My Arlo Baby monitor has been displaying the message that it is no longer connected after about 30 minutes of being displayed on the tablet. It used to disconnect every now and then but would immediately reconnect and start streaming again. Now it will “disconnect” and will not start streaming again until I exit the app and re-enter it. I know it is not an internet issue because I can stream it on my phone even though it’s saying there is no connection on the tablet. I am preparing for baby #2 and would love to get another Arlo but do not want to waste my money if this issue is not fixable.

Is this new ? The timing out of the baby monitor after 30 mins ? Because this just started a couple days ago. For the last 5 months I was streaming all night long.
Guru Guru

After last complaints and me testing same on Win 10/web I found out the Baby timed out at 30 mins +/-.


Mentioned it to Arlo and I was sent corrected info and I confirmed ,TMK, it is as follows...


ON remote access and web the Baby times out at 30min

On app ( tested ios /ipad mini ) AND on same network  it will not time out  ( tested this and ran for 2 hours without dropping out )  This was tested on last version of app before release on 4/9


Anyone seeing different ??

Morse is faster than texting!
Arlo Moderator
Arlo Moderator

Does this disconnect issue still occur with the most recent firmware version: Arlo Baby ABC1000 -



If the Arlo Baby got the firmware on May 3rd, then yes it was still having that interference issue.  The Arlo Baby camera when being viewed (on operating on a wifi6 connection) was the issue. Doesn't seem like the Baby cam's are working well with the new standard.  I should note my Arlo doorbell works fine on WIFI6.  Had to create a separate WIFI5 only network to almost eliminate any interference that I was experiencing. 


We've been using the Arlo Baby for about 9 months now, and while we weren't that impressed it worked most of the time. It would occasionally pause for a second or two, have issues connecting and streaming (where I had to turn it on and off again), and randomly send push notifications sometimes despite their being disabled.


Recently (within about a week) the live video stops automatically after streaming for 30 minutes. I've used a stopwatch and it's exactly 30 minutes every time, as though the app is doing it on its own rather than due to wifi issues or buffering. There's no point having a baby monitor that cuts out after 30 minutes, we run this overnight while our daughter sleeps in another room.


Is anyone else seeing this problem? What is the point of a baby monitor that only streams for 30 minutes at a time?


Hardware: ABC1000r6


Yes, still happening. Just put my baby to sleep before and spent the next 10 minutes closing and reopening the app with constant disconnection messages, then discovering the white noise had stopped.
Also another finding to note that I haven't mentioned: when the camera disconnects to the extent that the music and feed completely cuts out, when it reboots itself, the temperature/humidity etc gauges show a high reading, then a gap, and then start again from very high and slowly come back down to what the room is actually reading. I've attached a screenshot to show.
I've noticed this as long as I can remember since purchasing my first camera in late 2018.
I’d like to begin by saying my firmware is 1.10...When we set the app to run in the background, within 10min it disconnects and immediately reconnects. It then continues non-stop in and out until I open the app. If I hit stop then play, the app says the camera is offline and to check the network. Interestingly, I’ll still get sound and movement notifications.
The only way to avoid this, is to unclick the face in the bottom right, hit stop, then play and then re-engage background mode.
My issue is for something so expensive, I shouldn’t have to find a work around to hear or keep an eye on the baby.
We have a whole-home mesh wifi system. This is the only piece of hardware that has an issue like this. My gut tells me there’s an issue with the app and it’s background refresh data. Any help/thoughts would be greatly appreciated
Do we have a solution for this? It is nonsensical to think that a 30 min run time is ok for a baby cam. Also, for some reason my camera doesn't see itself as in the same network as my iPad, besides being on the same network! My guess is that this has something to do with my mesh wifi.

I have just purchased an Orbi 4200 mesh wifi setup yesterday and am having trouble with my existing Arlo baby showing up as disconnected in the ap since. It has connected twice for a few minutes but I cant get it to connect or remain connected consistently

The baby Arlo was wirelessly connected to a Netgear extender which in turn was wired to a Netgear D7000 router and it generally remained connected without major issue.

I configured the D7000 to be modem only and hooked up the Orbi mesh system. I configured the Wi-Fi with the same SSID and credentials which I had been using previously and all of my devices (Sonos speakers, Apple TVs, laptop etc etc) all connected and work fine. Except for the Arlo

  • The Arlo appears to be connected. The blue light is on steady on the front.
  • When i check connected devices on the Orbi it is showing the Arlo as connected and appears normal.
  • I have verified the Arlo is running the latest firmware
  • I have updated the firmware on the Orbi
  • I have run through removing and re-adding the Arlo to the Wifi multiple times via the Arlo AP and website.
  • I have made the network 2.4Gz only and 5Gz only, and both
  • I have changed the SSID
  • I was worried the security on the router was blocking the traffic as there is bitdefender built in, so i have disabled that.

re-adding the Arlo to the wifi is not consistent, i provide the ssid and password, sync, and scan the barcode. the light changes as expected on the Arlo to solid blue but when the ap then scans for the new device it is hit or miss whether it will see it or not.

Even when it does indicate the green check mark in the circle; when i look at the Arlo on the ap and look at the connected to, it either says disconnected or shows a blank SSID

When it has actually connect, twice, i cant see a specific pattern of why it did, I could see video but if I clicked to see something else in the ap the camera was disconnected again and leaving it overnight did not achieve a reconnect


Sorry for the long blurb but if anyone has any ideas id love to hear them please

Arlo Moderator
Arlo Moderator



  Please contact the Support Team to further investigate this issue. You will find several options for contacting support in the provided link. Arlo Tech Support


OK, I got in contact with Support and here is their answer:


"Yes, you're right about it Filipe this is a baby camera however it only allows 30 minutes of livestreaming. After 30 minutes it will stop the you will need to click livestream again for another 30 minutes."


So I hope people see this before buying a baby camera that can only live stream for 30 minutes! What is worse is that this is a recent change, I have been using this camera for about 2 years without problems. Very disappointed with Arlo and looking for another (two) baby cameras to buy. Any recommendations that are NOT Arlo are welcomed!

I posted this in December with the same frustrations as you. I ordered new cameras but nothing compared to my Arlo. I tried the Arlo again, and the 30 minute max-out has not been an issue! I can live-stream all night long again. Sometimes the connection will cut out and I have to hit “play” again.. but definitely not every 30 minutes like before! I finally can enjoy the Arlo again!
Hey so do you think I should uninstall the app and reinstall it?
If you’re having the 30 minute streaming issue, it couldn’t hurt anything to uninstall and reinstall! Also maybe reset the camera? I didn’t have to do that, but it might help. Like I said, at this point it certainly couldn’t hurt anything.

Not saying this will happen but just want to share my experience with uninstalling.  I uninstalled the camera and now the app will not add my camera back on.  I get stuck in discovery mode until either the app times out or the camera times out.  Power cycle, factory reset, nothing is working to get it back.  I even followed someones suggestion on here were they let the battery run out completely, still nothing. 

No help from support or the moderator from here since i am about 6 months over my warranty time.  My suggestion is if you are still within warranty push for a replacement!


That is not the case with our Arlo Baby, unfortunately. I have an additional issue with the camera as it does not see itself in the same network as my iPad, I believe the problem is related to the our mesh network. This means that the continuous streaming when within the same network is a hit or miss to us.


But my main concern is that this (30 min max streaming) is not a bug! It was done by design trying to force people to subscribe to their service.  Before reaching out to Arlo and asking whether this was done by design I tried to troubleshoot doing all that was suggested here, with no luck.


The new 30-minute limit makes the Arlo Baby useless as a baby monitor. Implementing it years after the product was released and breaking an existing product is so hostile to existing customers. I bought a Nanit pro to replace our Arlo Baby, they have a Mother's Day sale still on ($100 off) when I last checked.




I completely agree, with the 30 min limit it is not functional as a baby monitor and changing the device's behaviour like this is unacceptable. 


 Thank you for the suggestion, I will look into the Nanit Pro!


@pakamitch You could try onboarding with homekit app on iphone or ipad.

Arlo Moderator
Arlo Moderator



I have a few questions for all that are experiencing an issue with the Baby camera timing out. 

  1. Is the Home Icon with 3 little wifi bars visible (In the top left hand corner) when you are live streaming on the same network? 
  2. Do you know if your device is switching to mobile data at any point during the live stream?
  1. In my case the house icon shows up sometimes but it tends to drop mid stream when it shows up. My understanding is that this means that the streaming is changing between my own wifi to "online" streaming. I believe this issue is related to my mesh wifi, as I mentioned before.
  2. And no, none of my devices are switching to mobile data. 
Arlo Moderator
Arlo Moderator

Hi @frfg


Would it be possible to connect directly to your main router and test again?

Arlo Moderator
Arlo Moderator

HI @StopTheCrash13


Is it possible to connect your baby camera directly to your router to see if this helps with the disconnects?




I have recently purchased the Orbi 6600 mesh and get same issues. I have tried changing WIFI channels and makes no difference. My only solution was to login to the Orbi from web browser and disable the "WIFI AX Feature". This disables WIFI 6 and sets Orbi to WIFI 5 mode. The cameras still disconnect and are pixelated but its a lot better than it was. Before the change the cameras just said disconnected and couldn't be used at all. Seen a few people with this issue on this forum and reddit so hopefully Arlo can give us a fix but knowing Arlo it will be months away.

Yes this is newer for us. Which is why i thought it may app related. We got the new iphone last fall/winter. Since then it’s been doing the constant reconnecting.