Arlo|Smart Home Security|Wireless HD Security Cameras

Arlo Baby firmware update and connectivity issues

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Ever since the latest firmware update to work with Apple HomeKit, this camera is continually giving me issues. I have reset the camera twice now in 3 days and once again I open the app and it either says "Buffering" or "Camera Not Connected". The other 4 cameras on my system connect and stream fine. 


I spent 2 hours the other night on suport chat and recreated profiles in order to get the camera to show.


Please somebody listen to all the comments and work on updated code or allow users to roll back firmware on the device. This painful and babies' saftey is depending on this product to work.

136 REPLIES 136

I'm having this issue too!

Drops out within 24-48hrs even when sitting less than 2m from my modem/router - will not auto reconnect, either solid amber light or blinking amber...

Difficulties reconnecting, often requires power cycling and/or factory reset... Unable to provide firmware number as device currently won't connect at all!


I'm not letting this go by the wayside... This is still occuring to me also. What a piece of junk. seriously.

I sent mine back and had a replacement sent out. It was the "apple" one but worked fine with my pc and Android.

I have had no issues since.

Must be nice.  I still never received any update for mine.  They keep asking for my case number and saying the will follow up, but no one ever does.  For a little while it was working again.  It's been buffering this entire past week.  


James, I am having significant issues with my Arlo Baby (and Arlo Qs), which seem to have been experienced by many of the users on this board.  In short, to answer your questions:


1) I have a iPad Pro, iPhone, and a Amazon Fire HD which I separately use to stream the Arlo.  Each one has its own account.


2). The unit will experience buffering or “device is not connected” issues frequently.  What is unusual is many times when the video won’t work, the sensors still work. For instance, I can still see the temperature or air quality.


3). I cannot give an answer to this.  The timing is random on problems.  Sometimes it will work for a day, while other times it will go in and out several times during a day.


My internet signal is over 100 mb download, and I am using an Orbi.   Please help.  I am also having problems with my 2 Arlo Q cameras, which now won’t update the firmware whatsoever.  At this point, if I cannot get this resolved, I need to start a warranty claim as I have invest over a $1,000 in a system that I cannot get to work.  


The 2 Arlo Pros I have are working fine, however, likely because they have a base station to communicate with locally.   


We returned ours to Amazon. They were decent enough to accept it as just parts (we had disposed of the packaging) and gave us a full refund.

This issue is a massive safety concern. Ours was going out nearly every night and we wouldn't realize it unless we actively woke up to check on the feed. We'd leave one of our phones tuned in at 8 and the camera would disconnect by 10. Only way to fix it was manually reboot the camera, which was a real hoot trying to do so in the dark without waking up a one-year-old.

As I said, returned and we picked up Infant Optics DXR-8 It doesn't have all the bells and whistles as the Arlo, but it actually works. Kind of makes the ridiculous bells and whistles on this paperweight seem pointless since they rarely connect. Infant Optics has worked flawlessly.

And Netgear doesn't seem to care. The posts by support on here are absolute garbage. I'm shocked there hasn't been a recall on these things.

Do yourself a favor...try to get a refund any way you can. It's pretty clear that this "version" of the camera won't be fixed.


Do we have any ETA on the next firmware upgrade? Primary concerns from me are pixelation on live view when connected to wifi, 'Camera Unavailble' error showing on Apple HomeKit app, and random dropouts of connectivity with live view.


I’ve got the same problems and complaints. The wife is getting annoyed 😞

Same as most of the above. Random and sustained picture corruption on Wifi, random disconnection issues (despite sound still streaming), overheating when night light is on. In short, this thing is rubbish - it places children’s well-being (and parents’ sanity) at risk and isn’t a worthwhile purchase at $20 let alone the $200 RRP. You can forget me buying or recommending any Netgear product again, as aside from the product, the service is atrocious. My sister had the same problems and returned hers - the process nearly drove her insane, so I won’t bother and will just bin it instead.
Trying to update from to, however it doesn't update. This also disables use of the device until updated... When can we expect the firmware to actually update and / or be able to use the device?

My unit updated. Fixed the pixelization and the random issues where my unit would not connect with the app. Also my wifi went from 1 bar to 3 bars. So something looks to be working better with the network. 

Community Manager
Community Manager

New firmware has been made available that should help with the issues being discussed here. Take a look at these firmware release notes and make sure your Arlo Baby is up to date with the latest version: Arlo Baby - 17th October 2018

